Loving What Is Byron
Katie. This is Katie’s first book. She tells us her story,
explains how to use her Judge Your Neighbor process, and
gives examples of people going through their work. I loved
this book and raved about it but it took me years to really
be with the title. I would say things to myself like this
is great stuff but she should have named the book something
different: Accepting What Is or Dealing with What Is. Ha!
What a day it was when I really felt that she meant it. And
that I could get there too.
Rather Teach Peace Colman
McCarthy. Colman had me from his opening story about asking
kids to go outside and count cars. Nobody questioned it.
Didn’t matter if it was raining or snowing - whatever the
kids just blindly did what the teacher asked. We are not
taught to value thinking and acting for ourselves. This
book inspired me to learn more about peaceful activists
[heros] like Colman, Dorothy Day, Thich Nhat Hanh, Dalai
Lama, Cesar Chavez. You can view a page of Peace Heroes
on Waging Peace’s
Speaking Peace Marshall
Rosenberg. Learning about giraffe and jackal language.
Effectiveness Training (P.E.T.) Thomas
Love Meets Fear David
Only Love Gerald